What is sleep apnea?
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What is sleep apnea?


Sleep apnea is a common, treatable sleep disorder. It can impact your daily energy, mental performance, and long term health. In some cases, it can even be fatal if left untreated.


When you have sleep apnea, the soft tissue in your airway collapses while you sleep. This can be caused by weak muscles in your airway, a large tongue, obesity, or other reasons. Your breathing can be interrupted hundreds of times per night, which causes you to snore, gasp, or even wake up.

About 10%

of the adult population in the world is suffering from sleep apnea
About 90% are not diagnosed

Young T, et al. Epidemiology of obstructive sleep apnea: a population health perspective. AJRCCM 2002;165:1217-1239.

What are the symptoms?  

Sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed because the symptoms are overlooked. They include:


Nighttime symptoms


Loud persistent snoring


Witnessed pauses in breathing


Chocking or gasping for air during sleep


Restless sleep


Frequent visits to the bathroom

Daytime symptoms


Early morning headaches


Excessive daytime fatigue


Poor concentration


Depression or irritability


Sleepiness during routine activities

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”

What are the risks?

Sleep apnea can have both short and long term health risks if left untreated, including:


  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heart disease/heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Driving and work-related accidents


Overall sleepiness at the wheel is considered responsible for 20 to 25% of traffic accidents occurring on European roads.

Sleepiness at the wheel - White Paper  


3 times greater risk of stroke among patients with moderate sleep apnea when left untreated.

Goldstein et al, Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke. A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke, Stroke, Dec 5, 2010.

Benefits of a regular treatment

Using treatment regularly, you may experience the following benefits:


  • Less sleepiness during the day time
  • Improved mood 
  • Improved memory attention and concentration 
  • Fewer awakenings during the night to go the bathroom
  • Improved overall quality of life 
  • Decreased risk of sleepiness related motor vehicle accidents 
  • Decreased risk for cardiovascular disease


Tips for therapy success  

If you have Sleep Apnea, you're not alone. Learn helpful tips for adjusting to treatment.

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