Respiratory Care Solutions
Photo of a clinician

Respiratory Care solutions, for you and your patients

Our mission to improve lives is more relevant now than ever. Together, we'll make life better for everyone.

Partnering with you to deliver better outcomes.

Today, as the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) persists throughout the global community, Philips is steadfast in its commitment to support health systems and healthcare professionals who entrust us to help them care for their patients. Philips Respiratory Care is vigilantly working to help inform, provide, & empower healthcare providers, clinicians & all those impacted by COVID-19.

Doctor and patient image

From a broad portfolio of products, services and solutions, Philips Respiratory Care is providing the most up to date training, user guides and tools, webinars, events and expert insights to help address the preparedness, response and recovery needs of this infectious respiratory disease. But it’s based on the powerful realization that, only by working together with you, we can understand your particular challenges and help you care for COVID-19 patients and communities.

In line with Philips’ mission to improve people’s lives, we want to help as many healthcare providers as possible to deal with the growing numbers of critical COVID-19 patients

Frans van Houten, CEO of Royal Philips.

A patient with a ventilator mask on

Ventilation, respiratory and sleep products and services

In our pursuit to make life better for respiratory care patients, we have devised novel solutions that aim to ease the patient's life and provide all necessary support to the health care providers to give their patients the best possible care. These solutions enhance patient and staff experience while also improving the clinical outcomes of the treatment and procedures.

Learn more about our respiratory care products.

We believe there is always a way to make life better. Our innovative respiratory care solutions are focused on improving the health of your patients, practice, and business.

Philips has always supported meaningful learning to enhance patient care by improving patient and staff experience, improving outcomes, and reducing the overall cost of care. Get insights from our webinars where we tapped into the expertise and insights of industry leaders, customers and experts, and acquire knowledge on the latest developments in the field of respiratory care.

As a valued customer, we’d like to reassure you that Philips is with you in these virtual times. We have developed this platform  that provides expedited access to information and solutions to meet your patient care needs. We bring together the latest insights from clinical luminaries, as well as best practices, news and innovations that help drive improved patient experience, better health outcomes, lower cost of care and improved staff experience.

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