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    Don’t lose good days to bad nights

    Symptoms and risks of sleep apnea

      What is sleep apnea?


      Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing throughout the sleep cycle.


      These interruptions, called apneas, are caused by the collapse of soft tissue in the airway, which prevents oxygen from reaching the lungs.

      Non obstructed and obstructed airways

      Non-obstructed airway

      Non obstructed and obstructed airways

      Obstructed airway

      Weak muscles in the airway, a large tongue, obesity and other factors may cause airway tissue to collapse and obstruct breathing.

      You’re not alone


      About 10% of the adult population in the world suffers from sleep apnea, and about 90% of them have not been diagnosed.1 And in the United States, one in five adults have at least mild obstructive sleep apnea.

      That’s significant because sleep apnea is a serious condition. Sleep apnea disrupts the sleep cycle and can dramatically impact energy, mental performance and long-term health. In some cases, if left untreated, sleep apnea can be fatal.

      It can be hard to take the first steps into finding out if you have sleep apnea. We are here to help.

      Symptoms quiz

      Find out if you have symptoms of sleep apnea

      Snoring could be more than annoying – it could be a danger to your health. Take our 9-question quiz to find out if you’re at risk.

      Sleep apnea symptoms and risks

      Untreated sleep apnea is associated with a number of health risks, so it’s important to consult a sleep specialist if you have these signs and symptoms.

      Night time

      Nighttime symptoms

      • Loud, persistent snoring
      • Witnessed pauses in breathing
      • Choking or gasping for air during sleep
      • Restless sleep
      • Frequent visits to the bathroom


      Daytime symptoms

      • Early-morning headaches
      • Excessive daytime fatigue
      • Poor concentration
      • Depression or irritability
      • Sleepiness during routine activities

      What are the risks of untreated sleep apnea?

      Sleep apnea can have serious short- and long-term health risks if left untreated, including:

      • High blood pressure
      • Irregular heartbeat
      • Heart disease / heart attack
      • Stroke
      • Type 2 diabetes

      Driving- and work-related accidents

      How do I get diagnosed?


      If you think you have sleep apnea, it’s important to find out for sure so that you can begin treatment and start enjoying the benefits of better sleep and a healthier life.

      Number one

      Discuss your sleep apnea risk test results with your primary care doctor, who will likely help you schedule a sleep study.

      Number two

      Look into sleep testing options, including asking your doctor whether your health condition allows for in-home sleep testing.

      Number three

      If you are diagnosed, learn more about the Philips Dream Family of sleep apnea products to see which is right for you.

      You may be at risk of sleep apnea. To enquire about a sleep test, contact:

      SingHealth Duke-NUS Sleep Center 

      Singapore General Hospital
      Sleep Disorders Clinic
      Tel: 6321 4377

      Changi General Hospital
      Integrated Sleep Services
      Tel: 6850 3333

      Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
      3 Mount Elizabeth #12-13
      The ENT, Voice & Snoring Clinic
      *Dr Han Hong Juan
      Tel: 6235 6733

      Gleneagles Medical Centre
      6 Napier Road #08-14
      SOG - Petrina Wong Clinic for Children Respiratory and Sleep
      *Dr Petrina Wong
      Tel: 6256 1556

      You have sleep apnea, now what?

      Sengkang General Hospital
      Sleep Clinic
      Tel: 6930 6000

      National Neuroscience Institute
      Sleep Disorders Clinic
      Tel: 6321 4377

      Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
      3 Mount Elizabeth #09-03
      Ascent Ear Nose Throat Specialist Group
      *Dr Leong Jern-Lin
      Tel: 6738 3615

      Sleep study myth

      Myth: I don’t think I will be comfortable sleeping in a sleep lab.

      White line

      Fact: Though many people have this fear, most are able to fall asleep in the sleep lab.

      By Teofilo Lee-Chiong, MD, chief medical liaison, Philips Healthcare Solutions

      Sleep studies 101

      Sleep studies 101 video

      Getting diagnosed: personal experiences

      Hear from people who took the leap and met the challenges involved in getting diagnosed. All about sleep apnea therapy

      What is AHI?

      The Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) is the most important number on your sleep apnea test. It measures the number of times you have an apnea (when you stop breathing for short time) or a hypopnea (when you partially stop breathing for a short time) while you’re asleep. Read an example of a sleep study test result, showing AHI and other measurements used during a sleep study.

      Frequently asked questions

      What is obstructive sleep apnea?

      Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing repeatedly through the night. Breathing stops because the throat or “airway” collapses and prevents air from getting into the lungs. Sleep patterns are disrupted, resulting in excessive sleepiness or fatigue during the day.

      How many people in the United States have sleep apnea?

      Five to 10 percent of adults in the United States have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This is about 20 million people, and many—the majority—are yet to be diagnosed.

      What causes the airway to close during sleep?

      - Extra tissue in the back of the airway, such as large tonsils

      - Decrease in the tone of the muscles that hold the airway open

      - The tongue falling back and closing off the airway

      What should you do if you think you may have sleep apnea?

      Evaluation by a doctor specializing in sleep disorders is recommended. Have a sleep study done. A sleep study can provide the doctor with information about how you sleep and breathe. This information will help the doctor to determine your diagnosis and treatment options.

      What are the risks of untreated sleep apnea?

      Sleep apnea can have serious short- and long-term health risks if left untreated, including:

      - High blood pressure

      - Irregular heartbeat

      - Heart disease / heart attack

      - Stroke

      - Type 2 diabetes

      - Driving- and work-related accidents

      What is the treatment for sleep apnea?

      Most commonly, positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy is the treatment. It is noninvasive and can help with symptoms when used as prescribed. Less commonly, surgery or oral appliances are used, which may be effective in certain cases. Any treatment plan should include weight loss if needed, exercise and avoiding alcohol, sedatives and hypnotics.

      How does PAP or CPAP therapy work?

      CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) provides a gentle flow of positive-pressure air through a facial mask to keep the airway open during sleep. As a result:

      - Breathing becomes regular during sleep

      - Snoring stops

      - Restful sleep is restored

      - Quality of life is improved

      - Risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack, stroke and motor vehicle and work accidents are reduced

      What are the nighttime symptoms of sleep apnea?

      - Loud or disruptive snoring

      - Witnessed pauses in breathing

      - Choking or gasping for air during sleep

      - Restless sleep

      - Frequent visits to the bathroom

      What are the daytime symptoms of sleep apnea?

      - Early morning headaches

      - Excessive daytime fatigue

      - Poor concentration

      - Depression or irritability

      - Falling asleep during routine activities

      What can put you at increased risk for sleep apnea?

      - Overweight/obesity

      - A large neck or tongue

      - Extra tissue or crowding in the airway

      What does an apnea episode look like?
      What are the benefits of regular usage of PAP therapy?

      Most PAP users who remain committed to treatment enjoy:

      - Increased energy and attentiveness

      - Fewer morning headaches

      - Reduced irritability

      - Improved memory

      - Increased ability to exercise

      - Lower blood pressure

      - Decreased risk of strokes and heart attacks

      - Increased effectiveness at home and at work

      - Improved overall quality of life

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      Are you a sleep professional?


      1. Young T, et al. Epidemiology of obstructive sleep apnea: a population health perspective. AJRCCM 2002;165:1217-1239.


      For informational purposes only, not to replace physician's directions.

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