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    How to Stop Ingrown Hairs

    Reading time: 2 mins

    No matter where or how you remove body hair – there‘s a good chance that you‘ve already experienced ingrown hairs. It‘s a common problem that the uneven or sharp tip of the re-growing hair grows back into the skin. That‘s especially uncomfortable when it leads to skin irritation like pimples or an inflammation of the hair follicle.


    If you want to avoid this from happening, you should know how you can treat ingrown hair and first detect it. Moreover you’ll find out here how to prevent ingrown hair with a peeling and the IPL technology. So say goodbye to ingrown hairs forever!

    Sensitivity required: how you can treat ingrown hair

    An ingrown hair grows from the skin, then curves and grows back into the skin. In some cases, it directly grows back into the hair follicle. That’s the small cavity in which the hair root is located. If the follicle is clogged by dead skin cells, the hair can often only grow sideways. That’s the case especially for curly or coarse hair (like in the bikini area) and freshly shaven hair.

    Ingrown hairs look like pimples. Sometimes you can even see the ingrown hair beneath the outer layer of skin. If your skin is also itchy or looks like a rash, the diagnosis is clear. Only one question remains: What helps against ingrown hair? Instead of removing ingrown hair, it is usually better to do nothing. Exercise patience and let it grow out by itself.   

    Luminous technology

    See below ↓


    Lumea Series 7000 IPL - Hair removal device


    12 months of hair-free smoother skin*

    Get silky smooth skin from the comfort of your home with Philips Lumea Series 7000. Safe, effective, and easy to use - order yours today and enjoy long-lasting results.

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    Clever technology: how you can prevent ingrown hair

    The first magic word is “exfoliation”. It’s a good option to remove dead skin cells and to prevent them from settling in your hair follicles. The Philips Epilator for example has a special brush attachment, which removes dead skin cells and stimulates the skin surface to renew itself.

    How smooth is your skin?

    Another possibility to prevent ingrown hair is using an IPL device. The Philips Lumea encourages growing hair to enter the resting phase. This technology is based on light impulses, which are absorbed by the pigmentation of the hairs and transmitted to the hair root as heat.

    You can easily use the handy Lumea at home – whether corded or not. Its attachments, designed for different areas of the body, each have a window which you press firmly onto your skin in a 90 degree angle for treatment. Once you are ready, press the trigger. That sends a light impulse, which you will feel as warmth on your skin. After two seconds, you can treat the next area.

    With regular use, your hair growth will be reduced. The result: fewer ingrown hairs and a smoother, happier skin!

    Beauty hair removal

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    Whether you are looking for facial, hair care or hair removal beauty solutions – Philips has everything you need.

    Discover your beauty every day.

    Whether you are looking for facial, hair care or hair removal beauty solutions – Philips has everything you need.

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