What should I do if my skin feels dry or tight after shaving?
Cleanse your face regularly with a skin-kind cleanser while being conscious that over-cleaning can also cause dryness. Cleaning too frequently, especially with harsh products, strips away the skin’s protective layer and allows moisture to evaporate more easily.
Exfoliating periodically can also help remove the dead skin cells that naturally build up over time.
Make moisturizer a part of your daily routine. Apply a light aftershave balm or moisturizer after shaving can help to replenish the moisture that your skin needs to look and feel good.
If you’re new to shaving with an electric shaver or are switching from using a different type of shaver, it can take some time for your skin to adapt. Philips recommends using your shaver regularly for 21 days to allow your skin to get used to the new way of shaving.